Original Prusa MK4: 1-Year Anniversary Gifts! FREE iFixit Mako Driver Kit & Limited Edition PEI Sheet

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Original Prusa XL

Original Prusa XL

Estimated leadtime 6 weeks
$1,999View detail

Efficient, Fast, Expandable

If you’re looking for a multi-material printer that won’t leave you with plenty of plastic waste on your hands, the Original Prusa XL has you covered. With five individual extruders, you can easily combine up to five filaments to print huge colorful objects - no matter whether you need a prototype for your client or just something cool to put on your shelf.

Switching between extruders is nearly instantaneous and there is very little waste because the XL doesn’t require a full wipe tower or a bin for plastic waste. All that is needed is a compact priming tower design to stabilize the pressure inside the nozzle. You can further reduce the amount of wasted filament by employing smart features from our PrusaSlicer, such as wipe to infill, which allows you to prime the nozzle into the object’s infill. With good dry filament, you can reduce the amount of plastic waste to an absolute minimum.

The machine is shipped with the latest available firmware featuring technologies such as Input Shaper, Pressure Advance and Precise Stepping. They all work together to further enhance the quality of the print and also to allow you to print much faster than ever before.

The Original Prusa XL can be further upgraded with additional extruders, so if you decide to start with a single-tool option, you can later expand it to two or five extruders with ready-made upgrade packages. An enclosure is coming soon as an optional upgrade.

Sample Prints

XL sample print
XL sample print
XL sample print
XL sample print
XL sample print
XL sample print
XL sample print
XL sample print
XL sample print

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