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Prusa Face Shield RC3 - visor pack 20 pcs

Plexiglas visor for Prusa Face Shield RC3 (20 pcs)


Plexiglas visor is designed to make Prusa Face Shield RC3 variant - certified protective equipment against droplets and liquid spray. Fully assembled Prusa Face Shield RC3 complies with the EN 166:2001 standard. Every manufacturer has to go through the certification procedure individually. For more information read the article How to get a certification for face shields.

The visor is highly transparent (meets optical class 1 standard) and is suitable for long-term use, even when wearing safety glasses (no fogging!), respirators, or other protective equipment.

Note: This is only one piece of a four-piece set. You will need a rubber band and a headband to complete the Prusa Face Shield. You can download print files for the head band from Printables.

The assembly is simple and can be done in a few minutes. You can download the assembly instructions at


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Vorbereitungszeit: 1-3 Arbeitstage.

9,06 $
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